It’s 2024! Have you started using these 5 easy marketing tips?
Watch NowStart doing these marketing tips in 2024 if you haven't already. Well, we're into the new year, have you gotten off your butt yet to grow your marketing? Hey everybody, this is "You Know Ted," where I share my two decades plus of marketing tips. Let's look at the five marketing tips you need to do right now for your business. The last one is a game-changer for me, so stick around. I'm sure it's going to be a game-changer for you too.
Easy Marketing Tip 1: Plan to Make the MONEY
Number one, plan to make the money. Even in 2024, too many marketers just do the shotgun approach. They try a bunch of stuff and see what sticks. That's a waste of money; it's all fluff. Agencies and platforms will take your money all day long, so you better have a plan. It's really easy, begin with the end in mind, work backwards on how much money you want to make, and make sure every single thing that you do in your marketing will get you the money.
Easy Marketing Tip 2: Content is still KING
Content is still king. The algorithms want you to create new content. You know it, I know it. The more relevant content you have, the higher likelihood your customers are going to find you. It's simple as that. So what are you going to do about it? Remember, consistency is the key. Just like exercise, you can sit on your ass on the couch and think about getting into shape, or you can go and get into shape. You can do things like videos, blogging, podcasting. I don't really care, just start doing it and commit to doing it now.
Easy Marketing Tip 3: Easy Ways to use AI for your Marketing
Easy ways to use AI for digital marketing. You might be saying, "You know, Ted, it's easy for you to do it because you have an agency, but what about me?" Well, what about you? There are easy tools for you to use. For instance, take ChatGPT. I had a marketing friend ask me a couple of weeks ago to write a thousand-word article in under a week to put it into his monthly newsletter. Normally, that would be a bit of a headache, but no big deal. I just opened up ChatGPT during the commercials and gave it prompts. For instance, "You are a fun-loving digital marketer. You need to write an article on the top five things B2B companies should consider when hiring a digital marketing firm. The audience is mid-market B2B companies." And ta-da, first draft. Did I have to clean it up the next day? Yes, but it's a really good start.
Easy Marketing Tip 4: Inclusive Marketing
Inclusive marketing. We live in a very diverse global world now. Be sure to be inclusive in your marketing. When you use things like ChatGPT, remember that there is inherent bias that you have to review. Or you can check out a book from our good friends at [book title], and give it a read. I'll put a link below, and you can check out their book. And will you get it 100% right every time? Well, probably not. But the most important thing is just being mindful. At my agency, Ballistic Arts, we try to be inclusive to the groups that we collaborate with most, and basically just don't be a jerk.
Easy Marketing Tip 5: Get to the PAIN!
This is your marketing message. As I've said in the past, your message can either be an aspirational one (AKA a vitamin) or a must-have (AKA a painkiller). Painkillers are best for being recession-proof because they get to the emotion quicker. Now, there are two types of pain: surface-level pain and real pain. I'll give you an example. Say you're an IT company. Surface pain for your clients could be, "We need to protect ourselves from cybersecurity threats," but this is kind of lip-service stuff. Real pain is what you will get when the emotions are fired up and improve your chances of converting them. If you can get to their real pain, you'll win the business nine out of ten times because people buy with emotion. So instead of "We need to protect ourselves from security threats," it's now, "My company could go out of business, and I can go bankrupt if my company loses all of our data." And that's real pain. If you're able to turn that phrase into your marketing message and wrap it around all your content, oh man, this works. Trust me on this one.
Okay, there you have it, five marketing tips that you should be doing right now in 2024. Which marketing tip are you going to do first? If you like this video, please like, subscribe, and share. Thanks for watching. This has been "You Know Ted." Bye.